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Tomatoes are back!

One Acre Farm

We had our first tomato harvest this week from our tomato high tunnel! I knew it would be soon, but I was still surprised when I walked in there on Wednesday and there was color! Reds, oranges, yellows, and purples glowing from the ever-growing plants.

We have three types of large tunnel tomatoes and two saladette tomatoes:

  • Gin Fizz - a beautiful pink-yellow-orange heirloom

  • Caiman - a red beefsteak-type slicing tomato

  • Cuba Libre - a medium sized dark purple tomato with green shoulders

  • Bronze Torch - Slightly larger than a regular cherry tomato, these beauties are brick red with bronze stripes

  • Red Torch - sibling to the bronze torch tomato, these guys are a bright red with yellow stripes

We love our tomato tunnel for its ability to provide us with tomatoes a few weeks earlier than our field crops. We can plant tomatoes in the high tunnel earlier in the season than outside which gives them a head start. The naturally warmer climate inside the tunnel also gives them a boost; we don't heat our tunnels with propane, but the plastic covering really concentrates the sunlight and keeps the temps toasty inside.

I've got some great tomato recipes to share below, so take a look and share your favorites for the impending tomato season!

Baked things:



Tomatoes on bread:


Get excited for some of these tomatoes coming to your share bags very soon!

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Farm Location:18608 Wasche Rd, Dickerson, MD 20842

Mailing Address: 14607 Carrolton Rd, Rockville, MD 20853

Phone Number: 301-503-3724 - Please DO NOT CALL. Number is here for legal purposes only. The best way to reach is to email us at

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