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Adventure Share

Your opportunity to preserve the season's bounty and try new varieties!

Are you ready for an adventure?

This share is for the experimenters, the kitchen project people, the always-trying-something-new people. While this isn’t a share designed for weekly meal planning, you’ll surely get an adventure week after week!

We'll have cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, hot peppers, herbs, tomatillos, popcorn, ground cherries, and more. And not just your "garden variety" summer veggies either, you'll get to be the first, and only, CSA members to try these varieties!

What to expect:

This is our first year trying this share, so expect the unexpected! One week you’ll get a big box of canning tomatoes for your favorite sauce, salsa, or ketchup recipe. Another time you’ll get a fun mix of special, new varieties that no one else is getting! We’ll give you a heads up in advance of each share so you can prepare, but we won’t have the whole list prior to sign-up.

We'll send out recipes and tips of how to use each week's veggies and we encourage you to share your own ideas with your fellow Adventurers in the One Acre Farm Facebook group!

Adventure Share

Months                      # of Weeks                        Price
Adventure Share

July 9 - August 15

6 weeks


Farm Location:18608 Wasche Rd, Dickerson, MD 20842

Mailing Address: 14607 Carrolton Rd, Rockville, MD 20853

Phone Number: 301-503-3724 - Please DO NOT CALL. Number is here for legal purposes only. The best way to reach is to email us at

© 2015 One Acre Farm, LLC. Site created by with

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