How to store, prepare, and eat okra, edamame, napoca peppers and poblano peppers.

Okra is a flowering plant in the mallow family. It's a great source for many nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Today, we added it to soup had at lunch. It is a fixture in Southern United States cuisine (gumbo!) but can also be found in a wide spectrum of cuisines ranging from Mediterranean to West African.
To store the okra correctly and ensure it lasts, remove the okra from the biobag. Place in a dry clean plastic bag with a clean paper towel or napkin. Keep in fridge. Use within the week.
An easy quick way to eat okra is to roast the okra whole with a lot of good salt. Once cooked, you can eat the okra like fries, even dip them in yummy dressing or sauce.

Edamame are soy beans! These tasty little snacks are actually immature soy beans, so very nice and tender.
To store the edamame, keep in the plastic bag and in the chiller drawer of the fridge. Try to eat within the week.
To eat, boil in salt water (blanch) until the pods turn bright green. Remove from water and let cool a bit on the counter. Sprinkle salt and serve immediately.
Napoca peppers are sweet peppers that are vibrantly green and turn red as they ripen on the plant. They are delicate in flavor and texture, yet hardy in the field.
To store the peppers, keep in the chiller drawer of your fridge.
To prepare, use the peppers as you would use bell peppers. Easy meals are stir-fry, onions and peppers with sausage, add to salad or salsa, or they would be great for stuffing.
Poblano peppers are very similar to Napoca peppers, however, they are a bit less sweet. They are technically a mild chili pepper! Poblanos are very popular in Mexican and Tex-Mex foods, as they are not very spicy but have great flavor. Excellent roasted or stuffed.
To store, keep in chiller drawer of fridge.
To learn more about the poblano, and the heat index of peppers, this blog has more information.