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One Acre Farm's procedure for CSA pick-ups

One Acre Farm

Updated: Mar 30, 2020

Since the COVID-19 situation is rapidly evolving, so will our methods and procedures for our CSA pick-up. You will receive more concrete details about the pick-up closer to the CSA start-date.

We have changed our procedure to accommodate recommendations made by the Dept. of Health and Dept. of Agriculture.

Here are some things we will be implementing:

1. We will continue to clean our produce with a sanitized water bath.

2. We will continue to clean, scrub, and sanitize our produce bins.

3. We will pre-pack all shares.

4. We are considering home delivery for some of our CSA pick-up locations where social distancing may be harder to manage.

5. To reduce contamination, only OAF employees will handle produce at our CSA pick-ups. Customers will be asked to stay outside the barn/garage as employee gets pre-packed box.

6. Employees will maintain high standards of hygiene and sanitation, with regular hand-washing.

7. Employees are encouraged to stay home, if sick.

Stay tuned. Be safe and healthy. We're in this together.

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