Thank you so much for joining us for the Winter Share. We hope you enjoyed it!
Here are the Storage Tips for this week.
Keep the leaves on the head until you want to eat. Store in a plastic bag in the chiller drawer of your fridge. When you're ready to eat, tear off the leaves you want and rinse under cold water. Spin or shake to dry and maybe gently press in-between paper towels.
Remove from plastic bag. Rinse out plastic bag. Immerse spinach leaves in a cold water bath to revive. Spin or shake to dry and place back into plastic bag. Keep plastic bag slightly open to allow leaves to "breathe" and keep in chiller drawer of fridge.
Yummmm. Remove from rubber band. Rinse under cold water - can be a quick rinse. Store in plastic bag in fridge. Bag should be slightly open, like with the spinach.
Remove from rubber band. Rinse under cold water - can be a quick rinse. Store in plastic bag in fridge. Bag should be slightly open, like with the spinach.
Sweet potatoes
Remove from biodegradable bag. Compost bag. Keep sweet potatoes in a cool dry place out of direct sunlight. Try to use these goodies relatively soon - they've been stored all winter so are approaching their "Ehh" stage.
Spring garlic
Spring garlic is garlic that has been pulled from the ground prematurely. Can be used exactly like garlic. Only use the tender parts of the plant (the white/pink part of stalk). Keep in fridge. We recommend storing in a bag as the garlic smell is pungent.
Keep in chiller drawer of fridge.
Keep in fridge. No need to clean, just pull off coconut core and enjoy! Great in salads, on burgers, and with eggs.