Remove from rubber band. Rinse with cold water. Shake to dry or spin. Place in plastic bag and store in fridge.
Remove from rubber band. Rinse with cold water. Shake to dry or spin. Place in plastic bag and store in fridge.
Remove from plastic bag. Give bag a rinse (you can reuse this to store the spinach). Immerse the spinach in a cold water bath for a minute or two. Remove from water and shake or spin to dry. Place back in plastic bag. Leave top of bag open. Store in fridge, and if you can, the chiller drawer.
Allium - onion or garlic
Keep in a cool, dry, dark place. Use onions within the next two weeks.
Sweet Potatoes
Remove from Biobag. Compost bag. Keep sweet potatoes in a cool dry place. Your countertop should be fine, out of direct sunlight.
Remove from Biobag. Compost bag. Store radishes in a plastic bag in the chiller drawer of your fridge. These were very thoroughly cleaned so should only need a little rinse to freshen them up before eating.